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(55/185) 135 - InfoViewer, show html in Untitled buffer as html

I often have some html in an untitled buffer. It would be nice if InfoViewer would display that html as html rather than plain text. Currently, the file must be saved with an html extension for InfoViewer to render the buffer text as html.

The attached patch sets the content type to "text/html" if the buffer mode is html, which solves this issue.

Submitted daleanson - 2009-06-13 21:38:02 Assigned daleanson
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group
Resolution None


2009-06-13 21:38:03

Patch to let InfoViewer render an Untitled buffer as html if the buffer mode is html. (547B)

2017-12-30 16:56:55.786000

- **assigned_to**: Dale Anson
- **Group**: -->

2017-12-30 16:56:56.079000

Dale, you have my permission to commit this directly.